French irregular verbs in ER in the present tense

French Lesson 5 of conjugation: French irregular verbs in ER in the present tense

Conjugation French irregular verbs in ER in the present tense
Knowing the conjugation of French irregular verbs in ER in the present tense is very important. Indeed, French irregular verbs in ER like manger (to eat), appeler (to call) or acheter (to buy) are widely used in French. In order to study this lesson well, make sure you know the conjugation of French verbs in ER in the present indicative with this article including a video. The video below will teach you how to conjugate irregular verbs in ER in the present tense in French:

Verbs ending by “cer” in French

For example with the French verb “commencer” (to start, to begin):

Je commence
Tu commences
Il commence / Elle commence / On commence
Nous commençons
Vous commencez
Ils commencent / Elles commencent

For irregular verbs ending in "cer" in French, the only difference compared to the conjugation of verbs in ER in the present tense in French concerns the conjugation with the personal subject pronoun "nous". Indeed, you have to replace the "c" by a cedilla c, that is to say by "ç".

Verbs ending by “ ger “ in French

For example with the French verb “manger” (to eat):

Je mange
Tu manges
Il mange / Elle mange / On mange
Nous mangeons
Vous mangez
Ils mangent / Elles mangent

For irregular verbs ending in "ger" in French, the only difference compared to the conjugation of verbs in ER in the present tense in French concerns the conjugation with the personal subject pronoun "nous". Indeed, you must add an “e“ before the ending “ons“.

Verbs “ appeler “ et “ jeter “ in French

Appeler (to call)
Jeter (to throw)
J'appelleJe jette
Tu appellesTu jettes
Il / Elle appelleIl / Elle jette
Nous appelonsNous jetons
Vous appelezVous jetez
Ils / Elles appellentIls / Elles jettent
For the irregular verbs "appeler" (to call) and "jeter” (to throw) in French, the difference compared to the conjugation of verbs in ER in the present tense in French concerns the conjugation with the personal subject pronouns "nous" and "vous". Indeed, with "nous" and "vous", for the verb "appeler" you have to put a single "l" before the ending, while with the other pronouns, you have to put two "l" (ll). Ditto, for the verb "jeter", with "nous" and "vous" you have to put a single "t" before the ending, while with the other pronouns, you have to put two "t" (tt).

Verbs with accent (é, è…) in French

For example with the French verbs “acheter” (to buy) and “se lever“ (to get up):
se lever
J'achèteJe me lève
Tu achètesTu te lèves
Il / Elle achèteIl / Elle se lève
Nous achetonsNous nous levons
Vous achetezVous vous levez
Ils / Elles achètentIls / Elles se lèvent

For this type of French irregular verbs, as here for the verbs "acheter" and "se lever", we put a grave e accent, that is to say an "è" instead of the "e" in the part of the verb before the ending for personal subject pronouns je, tu, il, elle, ils et elles.

Another example with the French verb “répéter” (to repeat):

Je répète
Tu répètes
Il répète / Elle répète / On répète
Nous répétons
Vous répétez
Ils répètent / Elles répètent

Here, we put an e grave accent (è) in place of the e acute accent (é) in the part of the verb before the ending for the personal subject pronouns je, tu, il, elle, ils and elles.

Verbs ending by “ yer “ in French

For example with the French verbs “payer” (to pay) and “envoyer“ (to send):
Je paieJ'envoie
Tu paiesTu envoies
Il / Elle paieIl / Elle envoie
Nous payonsNous envoyons
Vous payezVous envoyez
Ils / Elles paientIls / Elles envoient
For irregular verbs ending in “yer” in French, we replace the “y” by an “i” for the personal subject pronouns je, tu, il, elle, ils and elles. We keep the “y” for the personal pronouns subject nous and vous.

Once you have correctly mastered this conjugation lesson on French irregular verbs in ER in the present tense, you can move on to the next French conjugation lesson:

You can find other French conjugation lessons by clicking here. You can also perfect your learning of the French language thanks to our:

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