Shops & businesses in French
French lesson 20 of vocabulary: shops and businesses in French

In French, the shops and businesses lexicon must be mastered at beginner level (level A1). Knowing the vocabulary of shops and businesses in French allows you to locate yourself in a city, to ask for directions, to indicate and understand an itinerary, to make an appointment in a specific place, to know where to buy a product or a service. Thanks to the video below, you will learn the most common shops and businesses and find out what product or service you can buy in these businesses in French:
Thanks to this video, you will learn the main shops and businesses and will find out what product or service you can buy in these businesses in French. To fully understand the oral trades and to pronounce them well, watch the video several times, repeating after the teacher. When the teacher says “la boulangerie”, say “la boulangerie”. When the teacher says “la pâtisserie”, say “la pâtisserie”. When the teacher says “la boucherie”, say “la boucherie”, etc. Thus, you will be able to understand orally and pronounce shops and businesses in French. To do this well, watch the video several times, repeating each shop or business aloud after the teacher.
To fully understand the written vocabulary of shops and businesses and to write them well in French, copy them several times. Below, you will find the list of shops and businesses featured in the video (in chronological order). After each shop or business, you will find a sentence indicating the product or service that can be purchased. You will also find the English translation of each shop and business, as well as the English translation of the sentences indicating the product or service that can be bought.
- la boulangerie. On achète du pain à la boulangerie. = the bakery. We buy bread at the bakery.
- la pâtisserie. On achète des gâteaux à la pâtisserie. = the pastry shop (cake shop). We buy cakes at the pastry shop.
- la boucherie. On achète de la viande à la boucherie. = the butcher's shop. We buy meat from the butcher's shop.
- le salon de coiffure. On se fait couper les cheveux au salon de coiffure. = the hair salon. We get our hair cut at the hairdressing salon
- le café. On boit un café, une bière, etc., au café. = the cafe. We drink coffee, a beer, etc., at the cafe.
- le supermarché. On achète des aliments au supermarché. = the supermarket. We buy food at the supermarket.
- le marché. On achète des fruits, des légumes et des produits frais au marché. = the market. We buy fruits, vegetables and fresh products at the market.
- le magasin de vêtements. On achète des chemises, des pantalons, etc., au magasin de vêtements. = the clothing store. We buy shirts, pants, etc., at the clothing store.
- la librairie. On achète des livres à la librairie. = the book store. We buy books at the bookstore.
- le restaurant. On mange au restaurant. = Restaurant. We eat at the restaurant.
- la banque. On retire ou on dépose de l’argent à la banque. = the bank. We withdraw or deposit money in the bank.
- la pharmacie. On achète des médicaments à la pharmacie. = the pharmacy. We buy drugs at the pharmacy.
To deepen this French vocabulary lesson on shops and businesses, you can study the French course: learn to indicate and understand an itinerary and the French course: shopping at the market.
Once you have successfully mastered this vocabulary lesson on shops and businesses in French, you can move on to the next lexicon lesson:
French vocabulary lesson 21: french transport vocabulary
You can find other French vocabulary lessons by clicking here. You can also perfect your learning of the French language thanks to our:
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