Negation (ne...pas) in French
French lesson 8 of grammar: negation (ne...pas) in French

In French, an affirmative sentence is constructed as follows: subject + verb + complement. Example: “Je parle français.” = “I speak French.” or “I do speak French.”
In French, a negative sentence is constructed as follows: subject + ne + verb + pas + complement. Example: “Je ne parle pas français.” = “I do not speak French.” So in English, “pas” is not and there is no work for “ne”.
Example :
Ils chantent bien.
Ils ne chantent pas bien.
Before a vowel (a, e, i, o, u, y) or an "h" the "ne" becomes " n’ ". Examples:
Tu habites à Paris.
Tu n’habites pas à Paris.
Vous aimez le chocolat.
Vous n’aimez pas le chocolat.
To deepen this grammar lesson on simple negation in French with “ne pas”, you can study the French course: learn to ask closed questions and the French course: learn to talk about tastes.
Once you have successfully mastered this grammar lesson on French negation, you can move on to the next French grammar lesson:
French grammar lesson 9: French descriptive adjectives
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