Lesson 4 of French for beginners: greet and take leave with vous
French lesson 4 of communication: greet and take leave with vous in French

In addition to lesson 1 introduce yourself in French, lesson 2 introduce someone in French and lesson 3 greet and take leave with tu, you must learn to greet and take leave with “vous” in French. This will allow you to establish basic social contact using the most basic forms of politeness. You will use these expressions of greeting and taking leave every day when you speak French with French speakers. The video below will teach you how to greet and take leave with “vous” in French:
1) You will learn to greet and ask someone how he/she is doing in a formal way. For example: “Bonjour Monsieur. Comment allez-vous ?” = “Good morning Sir. How are you ? (in some cases: “How do you do ?”).
2) You will learn to answer the question “Comment allez-vous ?” = “How are you? or How do you do?” and to ask it to your interlocutor. For example: “Je vais bien, merci. Et vous ?” = “I’m fine, thanks and what about you ?”.
3) You will learn to take leave by saying for example: “Goodbye. Have a good day !".
To be able to well greet and take leave with “vous” in French, watch this video several times, repeating after the teacher. When the teacher says: “Bonjour Monsieur. Comment allez-vous ?.”, say: “Bonjour Monsieur. Comment allez-vous ?” When the teacher says: “Je vais bien, merci. Et vous ?”, say: “Je vais bien, merci. Et vous ?”, etc.
“Bonjour Monsieur” or “Bonjour Madame”
“Comment allez-vous ?”
“Je vais bien, merci. Et vous ?”
“Je vais bien, merci. Au revoir. Bonne journée !”
“Au revoir. Bonne journée.”
And you can say in the evening:
“Bonsoir Monsieur” ou “Bonsoir Madame”
“Comment allez-vous ?”
“Je vais bien, merci. Et vous ?”
“Je viens bien merci. Au revoir. Bonne soirée !”
“Au revoir. Bonne soirée !”
It’s very simple and very basic but these acts of communication are used every day by French speakers. Mastering these expressions will be very useful and will give you confidence for the next steps of your learning of French language.
Learn to greet and take leave with “vous” in this way, without thinking too much, in a natural way, without asking yourself questions about grammar, conjugation, etc.
This fourth French communication lesson is part of the French course 3: learn to greet and take leave in French which includes 3 additional videos and articles of communication, conjugation and grammar.
Once you have mastered this fourth French lesson for beginners “greet and take leave with vous”, you can move on to the next French communication lesson:
Lesson 5 of French for beginners: introduce your family in French
You can find other communication lessons in French by clicking here. You can also perfect your learning of the French language thanks to our:
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