Lesson 5 of French for beginners: introduce your family
French lesson 5 of communication: introduce your family in French

At the beginner level (level A1), knowing how to introduce your family in French is one of the first things to learn. This will allow you to have a basic conversation with a French speaker. Please note that to successfully complete the first part (guided conversation) of DELF A1, DELF A2 and DELF B1 speaking test, you must be able to introduce your family. The video below will teach you how to introduce your family in French. To understand and speak, watch the video several times, repeating aloud after the teacher.
Thanks to this video and this article, you will be able to introduce your family in French. Taking the example expressed by the professor in the video, you will be able to say:
“Voici ma famille :
Lui, c’est mon père.
Il s’appelle Gilbert.
Il a 60 ans. Il est agriculteur.
Elle, c’est ma mère.
Elle s’appelle Martine.
Elle a 57 ans. Elle est institutrice.
J’ai 2 soeurs.
Ma grande soeur a 30 ans.
Elle s’appelle Anaïs.
Ma petite soeur a 24 ans.
Elle s’appelle Manon.
Je n’ai pas de frère.
Eux, ce sont mes grands-parents.
Mon grand-père s’appelle Léo. Il a 81 ans.
Ma grand-mère s’appelle Janine. Elle a 78 ans.
Ils ne travaillent plus. Ils sont retraités.”
Obviously, you need to adapt the example given by the teacher according to your family situation.
Learn to present your family in this way, without thinking too much, in a natural way, without asking yourself questions about grammar, conjugation, etc.
This fifth French communication lesson is part of the French course 4: learn to present your family in French which includes 9 additional videos and articles on communication, conjugation and grammar.
Once you have mastered this fifth French lesson for beginners “introducing your family in french”, you can move on to the next French communication lesson:
Lesson 6 of French: ask a closed question in French
You can find other communication lessons in French by clicking here. You can also perfect your learning of the French language thanks to our:
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