French course 4: learn to introduce your family
French course 4: learn to introduce your family in French

French communication lessons 5: introduce your family in French
This communication video is the mainstay of this course: it is the most important video of this fourth French course. It will teach you how to introduce your family in French. The other videos are complements to better master this act of communication.
French grammar lesson 5: French possessive adjectives (mon, ma, mes…)
Compared to the “introduce your family in French” communication lesson, knowing French possessive adjectives will allow you to express your connection to each member of your family. For example, “mon père”, “ma mère”, “mon frère”, “ma soeur”, etc.
French grammar lesson 3: French indefinite articles (un, une, des)
In connection with the communication lesson "introduce your family in French", knowing the French indefinite articles will allow you to say, for example: "J’ai un frère.", "J’ai une soeur", etc.
French grammar lesson 6: French presentatives (c’est, ce sont, il y a)
In relation to the communication lesson “introduce your family in French”, knowing the French presentatives will allow you to introduce the members of your family. For example: “C’est mon père.”, “C’est ma mère.”, “Ce sont mes parents.”, etc.
French grammar lesson 7: French stressed pronouns (moi, toi, lui…)
Compared to the communication lesson “introduce your family in French”, knowing the French stressed pronouns will allow you to introduce your family in a more original way. For example, “Lui, c’est mon père (...).”, “Elle, c’est ma mère (...).”, etc.
You will find more explanations of French stressed pronouns on this page.
French vocabulary lesson 6: French family vocabulary
In connection with the communication lesson "introduce your family in French", the French family vocabulary will allow you to express the different members of your family: mon père, ma mère, mon frère, ma soeur, mon oncle, ma tante, mon cousin, ma cousine, etc.
French vocabulary lesson 5: occupations and jobs in French
In connection with the communication lesson "introduce your family in French", the vocabulary of occupations and jobs in French will allow you to express the profession of members of your family in French.
French vocabulary lesson 2: numbers from 0 to 20 in French
Compared to the “introduce your family in French” communication lesson, French numbers from 0 to 20 will help you express the age of a family member if they are 20 years of age or younger.
French vocabulary lesson 3: numbers from 20 to 69 in French
In connection with the communication lesson “introduce your family in French”, the French numbers from 20 to 69 will allow you to express the age of a member of your family if they are between 20 and 69 years old.
French vocabulary lesson 4: numbers from 70 to 99 in French
In relation to the communication lesson “introduce your family in French”, the French numbers from 70 to 99 will help you express the age of a family member if they are from 70 to 99 years old.
Once you have successfully mastered this fourth French course “learn to introduce your family in French”, you can proceed to the next course:
French course 5: learn to ask closed questions in French
You can find other French courses by clicking here. You can also perfect your learning of the French language thanks to our:
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