DELF DALF speaking test
Useful videos to prepare for the speaking test of the DELF DALF exams
On this page, you will find a selection of videos of the speaking test of the DELF DALF exams with good candidates. Get inspired by the performances of these candidates to properly prepare for your DELF or DALF speaking test. Below each video, we have provided a link for you to obtain more information on how to properly prepare for the DELF DALF speaking test.
For each level, from A1 to C2, here is our selection of DELF DALF videos with good candidates:
In addition, we recommend the video below on the subject “At the market” of the 3rd part of the DELF A1 speaking test. This is a typical dialogue that allows you to prepare for this recurring subject of the 3rd part of the DELF A1 oral production. You will find further explanations and the transcript of this video in this article.
DALF C1 speaking test
You will find more explanations of the DALF C1 speaking test on this page.
For eople wishing to seriously prepare for the DALF C1 speaking test and for teachers who need a complete method to prepare their learners for the DALF C1 speaking test, we recommend the preparation manual for the DALF C1 speaking test written by Yann PERROT:
DALF C2 speaking test
You will find more explanations of the DALF C2 speaking test by clicking here.
To access our selection of videos on the listening test for the DELF DALF exams, click on the link below:
You will find more videos to prepare for the DELF DALF exams on our Youtube channel and in particular in our DELF DALF video playlist. For more useful information on the DELF DALF exams, we recommend this website.
To obtain DELF DALF diplomas, it is necessary to master the methodology of these exams. In addition, you should make sure you have the required language level in relation to the DELF or DALF level you wish to take. You can learn French for free and improve your level in French thanks to our:
We regularly publish new content on the DELF DALF exams and for learning French. To be kept informed of new publications, subscribe to the Youtube channel Flemotion : apprendre le français (video 100% in French but still useful for English speakers to learn French) and to the Youtube channel Learn French with Flemotion (videos with explanations in English) and to the Facebook page Flemotion : apprendre le français.